Ever since I watched my mother die of cancer when I was only 15 years old, I prayed that one day there would be a cure I spent time and money researching and investigating over the last 35 years until I found the answer.

 When I looked for funding from government they refused and in fact they where approached by the pharmaceutical industry to place a new laws through parliament to look after the interests of the major private corporations interest because they can not patent a natural product.

This is without question the most egregious example of the rampant global corporatist state.  Big Pharma cartels are literally trying to OUTLAW all herbal medicines, many of which have been used successfully and safely for THOUSANDS of YEARS.

(15 April 2010)– From April 2011, European legislation (EC Directive 2004/24/EC) which has already been passed in 2004 will come into force which will effectively mean that ALL Herbal medicines will disappear from the shelves in our High Streets or internet shops within the EU. Freedom of choice in medicine is being taken away. You will only have access to treatments which are Pharmaceutical Drugs based in order to treat your own and your family’s ailments. No Chinese herbs, No Ayurvedic (Indian) herbs, No Western herbs, NO MEDICINAL HERBS WHATSOEVER. Chinese medicine practitioners will lose access to the majority of the herbs and medicines on which they rely. Consumers will NOT be able to buy any Chinese herbal products within the EU.
This legislation has been heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, which want to protect their profit and will stand to gain by this legislation. There is not any evidence to prove that herbal medicine present a significant risk to the public under previous and present legislation, when policed properly.

I am selling to you the cure via a DVD tutorial as they won’t let me sell you the product itself, needless to say when you see my DVD you will know all there is to know, and what you need to do to cure yourself.

There is hope and you can beat this vile disease I promise you that you will see results, I want the world to know the answer, I am charging for my time and 35 years of effort I am told this can sell for a hundred times more but I want to help people not get rich, the price you see wont make me rich but it will help me open more domains web sites and I hope to raise revenue from banners and adverts rather than the fantstic opportunity.

This is a life changing DVD and I offer a money back guarantee on this product.
If you are not blown away by this fantstic revelation have your money back.